Lloyd, Christine

  Chris Lloyd, Nurse, Jr/Sr High


Amy Adams, Nurse, Elementary


Student Illnesses

School personnel will notify parents when a student needs to be sent home from school due to illness. If it is determined that the child should go home he/she should leave school as soon as arrangements can be made. Your child should return to school only when well. He/she should be fever free and experience no vomiting ordiarrhea for 24 hours. Conditions requiring a student be sent home include: Temperature greater than 100°F., vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained rashes, live head lice, or on determination by the school nurse that the child’s condition prevents meaningful participation in the educational program, presents a health risk to the child or others, or that medical consultation is warranted unless the condition resolves. Please include emergency daytime phone numbers on your child’s enrollment information so that you can be reached if your child becomes ill or injured while at school. Please also inform your school health office staff of health related information you feel is important for your student’s success in the classroom and/or safety at school.Guidelines for Administering MedicationWhenever possible, students should be provided medication outside of school hours.  In the event it is necessary that a student take medication at school, parents/guardians must complete information and consent forms available from the school nurse.  Medication will be administered only with written authorization signed and dated by the parent.  Medication must be in the original container labeled by the pharmacy or the manufacturer with:  1) Name of the student 2) Name of the medication 3) Time of day medication is to be given 4) Dosage 5) Duration.Student Self-carry/Self-administration of MedicationSchool Policy 5053 allows students to self-administer prescribed asthma/anaphylaxis and diabetic medications.  Approval to self-administer medications must be authorized by a prescribing physician.  Information and authorization forms are available from the school nurse.School Health Screening   During the first quarter of each school year the district will provide for inspections of all students for defective sight and hearing, dental defects and any other conditions as specified by the Department of Health and Human Services.  Parents will be promptly notified of any condition requiring professional attention.  Any student showing symptoms of any contagious or infectious disease shall be sent home as soon as practicable and the principal notified of the circumstances.Concussion AwarenessRefer to School Policy and also the Fort Calhoun Activity Handbook, page 4.Guidelines for Head Lice

Students must show proof of immunization upon enrollment in Fort Calhoun Elementary School. Any student who does not comply with the immunization requirements will not be permitted to continue in school. Students with medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs which do not allow immunizations may complete a waiver statement, which is available in the school health offices.Students with a signed waiver statement may be excluded from school in the event of a disease outbreak.The superintendent shall annually file a report on behalf of the board by November 15 to the Department of Health and Human Services summarizing the immunization status of the district’s students as required.
Physical ExaminationPhysical examinations for kindergarten (beginning grade) and seventh grade students, and proof of immunizations, are legal requirements. Districts offering a preschool program must also add a requirement for vaccination against influenza type B for children of ages 2 through 5. If the earliest enrollment grade is kindergarten this is not required.Students enrolling in kindergarten (or the beginning grade) and students entering the seventh grade in the school district shall have a physical examination by a licensed physician and provide proof of such an examination to the school district. A physical examination and proof of such an examination shall be required by the administration for students in other grades transferring to the school district from out of state.A certificate of health stating the results of a physical examination and signed by the physician, assistant physician or registered nurse shall be on file.Students enrolling in the school district shall also submit proof of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B, and chicken pox (varicella) as required by law. The student may be admitted conditionally if the student has not completed the immunization process but is in the process of doing so. Failure to meet the immunization requirement will be grounds for suspension, expulsion or denial of admission.Exemptions or temporary waivers from the immunization requirement in this policy will be allowed only for medical, military or religious reasons recognized under the law.Physical Exam Form

2017-2018 Student Age Group Required Vaccines
Ages 2 through 5 years enrolled in a school based program not licensed as a child care provider 4 doses of DTaP, DTP, or DT vaccine 

3 doses of Polio vaccine


3 doses of Hib vaccine or 1 dose of Hib given at or after 15 months of age


3 doses of pediatric Hepatitis B vaccine


1 dose of MMR or MMRV given on or after 12 months of age


1 dose of varicella (chickenpox) or MMRV given on or after 12 months of age. Written documentation (including year) of varicella disease from parent, guardian, or health care provider will be accepted.


4 doses of pneumococcal or 1 dose of pneumococcal given on or after 15 months of age

Students entering school (Kindergarten or 1st Grade depending on the school district’s entering grade) 3 doses of DTaP, DTP, DT, or Td vaccine, one given on or after the 4th birthday 

3 doses of Polio vaccine


3 doses of pediatric Hepatitis B vaccine or 2 doses of adolescent vaccine if student is 11-15 years of age


2 doses of MMR or MMRV vaccine, given on or after 12 months of age and separated by at least one month


2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or MMRV given on or after 12 months of age. Written documentation (including year) of varicella disease from parent, guardian, or health care provider will be accepted. If the child has had varicella disease, they do not need any varicella shots.

Students entering 7th Grade Must be current with the above vaccinations 

AND receive


1 dose of Tdap (must contain Pertussis booster)

Students transferring from outside the state at any grade Must be immunized appropriately according to the grade entered.