
At the FORT, the baseball program’s goal is to help our student athletes become better individuals both on and off the field.  We have an expectation that every athlete who comes through our program will conduct himself in a manner that not only represents him in a positive way, but also represents our baseball program and community in the most favorable manner.

As a coaching staff, we will do whatever we can to help student athletes achieve goals, as well as give them the tools to meet these expectations.

Our baseball student athletes are expected to have and show these attributes listed below:


Players Rules 2023




Accountability:Standing behind your actions, committing to your word, and being there for your team at all times is accountability.  We will never be a team that makes excuses.  We will have accountability on and off the field.  As individuals on this team, we will have honesty and integrity in all that we say and do.

Trust: Respected and trusted by your teammates and coaches, and able to be counted on in all situations.

Excitement: Excited to play the game of baseball. Able to have fun and enjoy playing and practicing to get better.

Coach ability: Being able to take coaching advice, and work on improving based on what the coach is asking of you.

Mental Toughness:focus, ability to move on, practice like you play,  be prepared, fight through the ups and downs.

Sportsmanship: handle situations appropriately, play the game the right way, represent your team, school, and community in the best possible way.

Work Ethic: drive, passion, desire, leadership, adaptability, improve  skills, and work hard every day.

Pride:excitement about playing, being part of a team, school, and community.

Team: Be a supportive teammate during ups and downs. Push those next to you, and have pride in your teammates.