Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a national career student association for students in grades 7-12 who are interested in business or business education careers. Over 5,300 students in more than 130 high schools in Nebraska participate in the FBLA program. Benefits of FBLA membership are business proficiencies, community responsibility, leadership skills, and self-confidence.
- Dues are $10. Checks can be made payable to Fort Calhoun Schools and turned into the office. Once you have paid for your dues, show the receipt to Mrs. Krambeck.
Gina Krambeck email can be found on our directory
Service Projects and Events
- Monthly Meetings
- Conferences—Fall Leadership Conference, State Leadership Conference, possibly National Leadership Conference
- Previous Service Projects—Food Drive, Pie in the Face contest for March of Dimes, Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness, Candy Cane Sales with Student Council for Sienna Francis House
- Previous Chapter Fundraisers—Hat Passes during Homecoming Week
Nebraska FBLA Resources: http://nebraskafbla.org/resources/about-fbla/what-is-fbla/
National FBLA Webpage: http://www.fbla-pbl.org/

FBLA 2023-2024