Elementary Choir Activity

6th graders have been working on story telling projects in music. After attending the Omaha Symphony, they have been studying how music can help to tell the story through the 5 story elements – character, setting, plot, conflict & resolution. Each group chose a well-known story and retold the story and added their own music to help tell the story. Some of the stories chosen were: The Lorax, The Three Little Pigs, Beauty and the Beast, and Jack & Jill Went Up The Hill.


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You’re Hired….

Last week, the final group of eighth graders went through their mock interviews in the Eighth Grade Careers class.   In this class, the student play the Real Game and complete various activities throughout the simulation – choosing housing, learning to budget their time and money, and a few even loose their jobs and have to complete to get new ones.  Then the student connect their real game experiences to the information they learn about themselves and research possible career choices hoping that they can plan now and make good choices to set themselves up for success in the future!  The careers class is a required class (one of the quarter-long exploratory classes) and is taught by Mrs. Hernandez the FCHS guidance counselor.

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2nd grade has had a lot of hatching going on!

2nd grade has had a lot of hatching going on! For science, in Mrs. Benoit’s class, we have learned about the embryo of a chicken. We have learned the components it takes to hatch baby chicks. We also have trout eggs hatching in our classroom. The Nebraska Game and Parks has provided all of the equipment needed to allow these eggs to hatch. We have learned the life cycle of the trout and we will get to release our trout in April at Schram Park during our field trip. Lots of learning and excitement going on for sure!


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