The 6th Grader’s from Fort Calhoun Elementary school, led by their music teacher Samantha Bryan, sang Christmas carols for the residents at Autumn Pointe Assisted Living Community. The students did a great job and the residents enjoyed hearing some Christmas classics.
Care Packages Sent to Troops
Fort Calhoun Elementary Student Council Members sent care packages to troops overseas. The packages included snacks, bubble gum, and mints. They also added holiday cards that students in the school made. They were so grateful this year for monetary donations from the VFW, the Jaycees and the Knights of Columbus here in Fort Calhoun which made this possible. Such a great community we live in. Student Council Members are as follows.
4th Graders
Clara Godfrey, Kellen Robinson, Danny Powel, and Ella Bouwman.
5th Graders
Stella Wilmes, Jovi Greiner, Moria Doyle, Lyla Pearson, Macie Collins, and Emily Barta.
6th Graders
Allison Prunty, Sammie Ludwig, Samantha Thomas, Grant Ruma, Addison Benoit, Max Halford, Anna Taylor and Anna Melville.

Stenberg Visits Personal Finance Class
In his last school visit in office, Nebraska State Treasurer Don Stenberg sat down last Friday with students in Ms. Kotas’s Personal Finance classes at Fort Calhoun High School and talked about the students’ financial concerns, challenges, and long-term goals. See the rest of the article by Jana Langemach below.
Books and Buzz Cuts at Fort Calhoun Elementary
The kids read a total of 161,850 minutes outside school hours during the six week period of our Books and Buzz Cuts reading incentive program. Principal Drew Wagner and 6th grade teacher Todd Teeter agreed to let kids give them buzz cuts and counselor Marie Adams agreed to let them cut 5-6 inches off her hair if they reached their reading goals. Miss Hall’s kindergarteners won the competition. The 9 kids who read the most and earned the opportunity to cut hair were Alisa Taylor, Noah Grove, Geno Roberts, Sammie Ladwig, Cami Christensen, Gerald Taylor, Bode Welchert, Anna Taylor and Emma Rodriquez Weiss.