Start saving those Pop Tabs!

Pop Tab Drive February 3-7th

The Student Council is going to continue to do a Pop Tab Drive for the Ronald McDonald House this year! Last year, we collected 127,500, WOW!!! Let’s see if we can beat that total! I have already seen some of the students bringing some tabs in, awesome! 

We are asking everyone to save their tabs starting today! The pop tabs will be collected by the classroom teachers the week of February 3rd. There will be a contest and a prize for the class who can collect the most tabs. We will choose a winner (1st and 2nd place) from K-2 and the winners from grades 3-6.

After one million tabs have been collected, the Ronald McDonald House will put our name on a plaque, to say “thanks a million!” Then, it is hung up in the house for all the visitors to see. 

Thank you so much for your support and kindness towards a great cause!

Mrs. Omer & the Student Council

See this letter for more information.