Ten students in 5th and 6th grade were selected to participate for Sing Around Nebraska 2016. Sing Around Nebraska is sponsored by the Nebraska Choral Directors Association and there are over 10 host sites and choirs across the state so that students from all over Nebraska can take part. Students auditioned in November and those selected rehearsed and learned the music during practices outside of the school day every week leading up until the choir festival day. The Fort Calhoun students that were selected attended the Omaha site held at Grace University. The choir took place on Saturday February 27th. Students rehearsed with over 100 other students from across the area during the day and put on a final public concert at 4:00 pm. Students who participated from Fort Calhoun were Katie Barta, John Doyle, Grace Genoways, Jesse Hartline, Cameryn Lewis, Kylie Perfetti, Payton Pohlad, Alayna Prunty, Morgan Therkildsen, Sophie Thomas.

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